Learn Where can a Lesbian Mom Find Valuable Tips Online

Being a lesbian mom is a role that brings a lot of joy and comes with many responsibilities. Keeping up with the trends isn’t always easy. Following blogs full of valuable info for lesbians mom is a smart thing to do. Learn a lot on the spot and discover different platforms where you can learn even more.


Challenges Lesbian Moms Face

Before we point you out to some sites and services you can use to make your lesbian family even better, we’ll discuss some of the challenges becoming a parent causes to gay women:

  • being afraid they won’t fit in the community – some lesbians moms can’t shake off the feeling they and their kids aren’t being treated equally. Sometimes that’s true; sometimes moms worry too much. Even lesbians who live in open-minded communities tend to worry about fitting in. That’s not weird at all. Just try to imagine being the only mother in the parent’s meeting with your son’s wrestling coach. It may seem like nothing, but feeling different in many situations during the day can cause mental problems like low self-esteem.
  • worrying they won’t create a bond with their kids if they don’t breastfeed – when mom lesbians adopt a baby, none of them have any milk, so they can’t breastfeed. Studies proved that breastfeeding is great for bonding between mother and a baby, so it’s understandable an average lesbo mom worries. However, there are a lot of other ways gay girls can bond with their kids.
  • postnatal depression is caused by the lack of understanding – regardless of whether a lesbian mom gave birth to her kid or adopted with her partner, it’s common for them to feel postnatal depression. A lack of understanding partially causes that depression. Even close family members who have their kids sometimes can’t understand how difficult adapting to the new situation really is for a gay couple.
  • kids usually ask who are their biological parents sooner than kids adopted by straight couples – gay parents hear that scary question from their adopted kids much sooner than straight couples. As soon as kids start noticing most other kids have a mother and a father, they start asking where their dads are. That opens the room for a question: “Who are my real parents?” It’s difficult to hear that, but healthy communication is the key to keeping a lesbian family happy.
  • not knowing where to look for answers or help – every parent has millions of questions about parenthood, child’s development, nutrition, equipment, etc. Every lesbian mom has all of those questions and many more. Knowing where to find valuable information makes their lives much simpler and erases that huge challenge from their lives.
  • feeling alone – being a lesbo mommy in a city with a strong LGBT community is much less challenging than being a lesbian mom somewhere where being gay still isn’t “normal”. Unfortunately, a lot of lesbians moms feel alone because of that. Luckily, there are a lot of ways to stay in touch with other gay parents online. More about them later. Now we’ll check out how lesbians and mothers are doing on social media.

Lesbian Instagram Community

Being a lesbian on Instagram is pretty fun. There are a lot of lesbian Instagram accounts to follow that provide a lot of value. Single girls can get a lot from Instagram, but gay couples can learn even more. A lot of lesbian Instagram pages are specialized in helping lesbian moms enjoy every second of their lives. Some focus on self-help and empower their followers. Some lesbian Instagram pages are built around nutrition and exercise. Some are just sharing their everyday routines to help their followers figure things out. Seeing that even successful people can’t control everything helps many new lesbian moms deal with their issues. We’ll mention 3 Instagram accounts where every two-mom family can learn a lot about different topics.


This beautiful gay couple has been sharing their lives with the rest of the world since they got their daughter. They first started a YouTube channel to show other lesbian moms girls what to expect from parenting. 228.000 followers on Instagram witness their posts are funny and useful.



Raffinee is a life-saver for a lot of mom lesbian couples. An experienced mother of 3 fills her Instagram account with useful parenting tips. In addition, she deals with some common issues gay parents face we mentioned at the beginning. Dealing with bad feelings that sometimes bother non-gestational mothers is just one of the topics that vegan Instagram lesbian mom covers. 168.000 followers are waiting for Raff’s next post.


Living Rosa

Another two-mom family with adorable kids and interesting life stories shares their experiences on the Living Rosa Instagram account. They still don’t have 100.000 followers, but it won’t take long before Living Rosa reaches that milestone because their posts are well-written and very useful.


YouTube as a Lesbians Moms Sanctuary

Most lesbian Instagram accounts are connected with equally good YouTube channels. You can check what do girls we mentioned above have to say on YouTube, but we’ll show 3 other accounts full of useful lesbian parenting videos.

Loving Life Fam

2 snakes, 2 kids, 2 lesbian moms, 1 tasty YouTube channel. That would be squeezing Loving Life Fam into 7 words and 4 digits. Of course, they are much more than those couple of symbols. Their love for food is obvious in most of their videos. Moms lesbian can learn a lot about cooking by watching their videos. Loving Life Fam also works hard on destroying negative stereotypes about gay parenting as well. They used to upload a video every day, but now they upload 1 every week which is still pretty good.


The Whitney Fam – Love, Parenting, LGBT adventure

The Whitney Fam started when Laura and Madison were just a couple. Now they are proud, beautiful lesbian moms who share their lives with 5.320 followers on YouTube. Don’t let the number fool you. They may not have as many followers as some big LGBT parenting YouTube channels, but they provide the same value.

two girls

Just Between Us

Just Between Us is one of the big LGBT channels with almost 700.000 followers. It’s different from the other 2 channels we recommended because it doesn’t give advice on lesbian parenting. Its main purpose is to entertain and it certainly does. However, it’s still possible to learn a lot about relationships and life in general from their funny videos and podcasts.

two girls

Moms Lesbian Forums, Facebook Groups, Pages, and Blogs

Reddit, Quora, blogs like this one, and some active LGBT Facebook groups are amazing sources of information. Anyone can ask a real lesbian mom for advice there. Not only one mom, but thousands, if not millions of them. Sometimes “regular” people have better tips than experts because they’ve been in your situation. Dealing with bad diaper rash, flu, or anything else is much easier when you have someone who can give first-hand advice. A pediatrician may prescribe something, but it doesn’t work, so you start feeling desperate because your baby cries and you can’t do anything about it. But it’s not true you can’t do anything about it. Moms 30 years ago couldn’t do anything. Nowadays parents have all the info in the palm of their hands. Big forums such as Reddit and Quora are goldmines because you can see what other lesbian moms say about your problem. Of course, you shouldn’t believe everything you read online, but reading a lot of different opinions and tips will make you a better mom 100%.

For some people, Facebook is a social media for grannies, but it still provides a lot of value to those who know how to use it efficiently. Reading random comments won’t help you become the best lesbian mom you can be. But, joining groups full of lesbian mommies from all around the world will. Similar to Quora and Reddit, Facebook groups are used to ask questions about topics that bother you. There are groups for young parents, new parents, lesbains moms who adopted, single lesbians moms, and so on. Find a group that answers your needs the best and start following it. After a couple of posts, you’ll see if a group lives up to the expectations. If it does and you pick up some useful parenting advice there, great, keep following it and learn more. If it turns out it’s different from what you’d expected, simply unfollow it and replace it with some other group or a page. Remember, the difference between a Facebook group and a page is in the level of power a community has. Facebook pages are ruled by administrators and mostly post their own stuff. That’s useful, but it’s not as interactive or private as asking questions in Facebook groups for lesbains mom families. Only group members can see what’s happening in the group, so a lot of parents ask questions they wouldn’t ask publicly. That turns lesbian Facebook groups into some kind of a safe place for parents.

Forums and social media are amazing tools for learning what other lesbian moms have to say about your situation. However, blogs are sometimes a better solution because they are written by experts. Blogs like this one you’re reading now provide enormous amounts of value. You can learn a lot quicker and on the same spot. Sliding through answers on Quora is tiring, reading a well-written text is a pleasure. Reading blog posts consumes a lot less energy. You choose articles to read based on your current situation. Sometimes when you engage in a discussion on Quora some people jump in with random questions that move the focus away from the main topic. That can’t happen on blogs. Blog articles are built around a single topic or more topics that work well together, so they always provide value about a chosen topic. Not only that, blog articles for moms lesbians are divided into smaller blocks of texts which makes reading easier. That means you can read a blog post after a hard day of parenting and get more from it than you’d get by reading a discussion on Reddit.

Chat Rooms Help Lesbian Mom Girls Stay in Touch

Lack of socialization causes huge mental problems. Even the most introverted people suffer if they don’t stay in touch with the community. Still, most parents barely have time to breathe between all the responsibilities, so they slowly lose friends and start communicating with other adults a lot less than before. If they work from home, they lose the human touch they’d get at work, so their mental health suffers even more Consequences are visible sooner too.

Being a member of one or more chat room services for lesbian moms is a solution for that. Yes, you can make friends in Facebook groups or on Reddit. Still, the chances of that happening are slim because people usually don’t like it when someone slides in their messages on social media or forums. Chat rooms are different because lesbians moms join them to meet new girls and communicate with other members. That helps everybody included because it’s easy to relax when you know you’re among people who share your interests and problems. Chat rooms for happily married lesbian moms are more popular than you think. One of the reasons is a relaxed atmosphere. Since nobody is looking for partners, there is no awkwardness. Nobody will hit on you (or your girl), nobody will have hidden intentions. Just a lot of lesbian parents having fun online.

Of course, there are chat rooms and dating sites for single lesbian moms where you can seek partners. A lot of single moms use them because they save a lot of time. If you’re a parent, you know that every second of free time is more valuable than diamonds, so wasting time on dating the wrong girls can’t happen. Meeting online first, chatting for a while, and then meeting in person. That’s a recipe singles, both straight and gay, follow to find compatible partners over the Internet.

Reading this blog post showed you some inspiring lesbian couples, their lesbian Instagram pages, and YouTube channels. You could learn where to ask the community for help when experts don’t understand what you are saying and where to meet girls in your situation. You see, all of that can be done online without sacrificing anything. You just have to know where to look.

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